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Office hours and tutorial scheduling integrated into a deeply modern and secure application, adding smart curation to help for large classes. With 30+ TAs and 800+ students, it can be a challenge to match up the skillset of a TA to the needs of students. Some TAs may be experts in MacOS, some in database connections, so hundreds of student and TA hours are saved automatically matching the right TA to the right problem. A smart dashboard for instructors shows exactly what students struggle with and where more resources are needed.

Cover image for HelpSched
2022 - 2023
McGill University
Framer Motion
Spring Boot

Office hours and tutorial scheduling integrated into a deeply modern and secure application, adding smart curation to help for large classes. With 30+ TAs and 800+ students, it can be a challenge to match up the skillset of a TA to the needs of students. Some TAs may be experts in MacOS, some in database connections, so hundreds of student and TA hours are saved automatically matching the right TA to the right problem. A smart dashboard for instructors shows exactly what students struggle with and where more resources are needed.